

of Limited Jurisdiction

Notre Dame Academy operates as a regional school within the Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis. Our school was established by the parishes of St Gabriel the Archangel in Hopkins and Immaculate Heart of Mary in Minnetonka. Per the school bylaws, a Board of Limited Jurisdiction was established in 2017 to support and oversee very specific functions within NDA.

The primary areas of Board oversight/approval authority are financial affairs, marketing/enrollment and development/fundraising The Board works closely with NDA staff responsible for these activities. Our mission is to provide additional resource and enhanced critical thinking as part of the school processes and operations. Development and approval of the annual operating budget, establishment of the NDA Annual Fund and leading the search process for our new Principal are examples of how the Board fulfills its bylaw obligations.

Per the NDA bylaws, the Board is not involved in any areas related to curriculum, management of personnel, including but not limited to, issues involving faculty, staff, or students. The Board is not responsible for facilities management, but does assist in the development of lease agreements between IHM and NDA.

The NDA Board is comprised of 12-15 members. The current Board roster is as follows

  • Greg Schumacher (Board Chair) – Alumni Family
  • Kristin Stanley (Treasurer) – Alumni Family
  • Blake Nelson (Secretary) – Alumni Family
  • Jim Cron – Alumni Family
  • Erin Duffy – Friend of Catholic Education
  • Joselynne Fynboh – Current NDA Parent
  • Margaret Requet – Alumni Family
  • Josh Rutz – Current NDA Parent
  • Melissa Streit – Alumni Family
  • Maureen Clark – Current NDA Parent
  • Dr. Bonita Jungels – Principal
  • Fr. John Bauer – Canonical Administrator and IHM Pastor
  • Fr. Paul Haverstock – St. Gabriel Pastor

All Board Members are volunteers. The primary criteria for nomination and selection to the Board are a dedication to NDA, a passion for faith based Catholic education and the skill sets needed to fulfill the Board obligations. Board members are also expected to support NDA through financial donations. The Board directly contributes in excess of $50,000 per year to NDA through its various fundraising efforts. Board terms are three years and a member may not serve more than two terms. Our goal is to consistently have a strong mix of alumni, parishioners, current school parents and external expertise on the Board. Per the NDA Bylaws, no more than one third of the Board are current school parents. Board membership requires approval by the Archdiocese.

Our primary sources for recruiting new Board Members are the Finance, Enrollment and Development Committees at NDA. These school committees are managed by NDA staff and a Board Member chairperson. For anyone interested in becoming more involved in this process, these committees are an excellent way to participate. Board members are also able to nominate individuals they believe would make strong contributions.

Please let us know if you have additional questions or concerns. We would also be very pleased to discuss involvement on one of the volunteer committees or answer any specific Board membership questions you may have. Feel free to contact the school office, or a Board member directly with any questions.


Notre Dame Academy Board of Directors

Contact Information

Notre Dame Academy
13505 Excelsior Blvd.
Minnetonka, MN 55345

Phone: 952-358-3500
Fax: 952-935-2031

Lion's Lair Direct Line: 952-388-6777

Doors open at 8:40 a.m.

School Hours:
9:00 a.m.-3:55 p.m.

Preschool Hours:
9:00 a.m.-3:45 p.m.

School Mass:
Wednesdays and Holy Days at 9:15 a.m. Livestreamed via IHM.

Copyright © 2024 Notre Dame Academy, Minnetonka, MN. All Rights Reserved.

Notre Dame Academy