Parent Resources
At Notre Dame Academy, we like to ensure our families have easy access to valuable forms, uniform information, school calendars and other online resources.
2024-2025 Scripture Theme
“I am with you always.”
– Matthew 28:20

Quick Links
- Carline Information
- Educate: Student grades, hot lunch balance, family directory
- Lost and Found
- NDA Family Handbook
- NDA Parent Volunteer Sign Up
- Past News Notes and Insight Newsletters
- TADS: Family tuition accounts and financial aid application
- Uniform/Spirit Wear Policy (pdf)
NDA Calendar Subscription Instructions
You may add our digital school calendar to your own Google Calendar by copying this link.
If you use a different calendar app and would like to subscribe, copy and paste this link.
If you prefer to see dates in a list view, click on the Agenda tab. We add information throughout the year; subscribing keeps you updated all year long.

School Hours
K-8 9:00 a.m. – 3:55 p.m.
Preschool Programs 9:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Part-time and full-time schedules are available for preschool students.
Before And After School Care
K-8 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Preschool Programs 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Lions Lair Before And After Care Programs
Summer Camp
Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Up Procedures
Attached are various forms that you may print and send to school. If you do not see a particular form listed, please contact us.
Lions Lair Webpage
- Lions Lair Flyer
- Lions Lair Registration
- Lions Lair Calendar
- Summer Camp Information
- Summer Camp Registration
- Lions Lair Email
- Lions Lair Direct Phone Line 952-388-6777
Medical Forms
Breakfast and Lunch Program
Notre Dame Academy is proud to offer unique home-cooked meals for our students. Our kitchen is fully staffed onsite and students overwhelmingly enjoy the menu items offered. NDA offers hot meals for both breakfast and lunch through the MN Free School Meals Program. This program is a permanent program for schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program so that students can have one breakfast and one lunch at no cost.
With this program, we still ask families to complete the free and reduced lunch application to potentially receive additional services for their students. NDA does receive some funding and services based on these applications. Further information on the lunch program is available in our handbook or you may contact the school office. Forms for the free and reduced lunch application can be found just above this section of the parent resource page. The school menus can be accessed via the top navigation bar.
While lunch and breakfast are free, extra entrees or milk are available for a fee. Students will be charged $2.85 for an extra entree and $.70 for milk.

“I am a volunteer from the IHM parish and have volunteered at NDA since its opening. Nowhere have I witnessed and felt a part of a more caring, loving, Christian family. I witness children being given such wonderful opportunities to learn and experience areas for not only academic and leadership growth but more importantly, their spiritual growth.”
– Parishioner