Faith & Service

We Pray. We Love. We Serve.

There are many alternatives to Catholic schools, but there are no substitutes.


As a Catholic school, we foster an environment where spirituality, emotional well-being, and academics are a part of everyday school life. We educate the whole child, encouraging each student to reach their full potential and become who Christ created them to be.


Prayer is part of every day. Morning announcements include a brief scripture and prayer. Students attend School Mass each Wednesday and participate as readers, choir members and servers. Because we are a regional Catholic school, Sacrament preparation happens at your home parish, keeping you connected with your Parish community, their traditions and celebrations.

Catholic Traditions Open To All

Nearly three-fourths of our families are Catholic and we welcome families of all faiths to attend our private school. We believe in the human dignity of each of God’s children and value the special traditions an education at Notre Dame Academy provides for students of all faiths. 

Special Celebrations

Students learn about and celebrate special holidays such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and May Crowning. The capstone faith experience is a three-day pilgrimage for eighth grade students, along with many of their parents, to several shrine sites.


A strong tradition and important component of our Catholic school community is service. Doing small things with great love happens every day in every classroom. A few of our favorites are highlighted below.

Week of Gratitude

The Student Council and our Development team annually organize a Week of Gratitude, to thank teachers, parishes, local business community, and partners in Catholic education who make a difference for NDA. Gratitude Bags filled with homemade treats and handwritten notes are delivered by students to express our appreciation

ICA Food Drive

NDA students team up with Immaculate Heart of Mary parishioners and our local ICA Food Shelf to collect food, cash, and items needed for those experiencing food insecurity. This long-standing annual event takes place during the Week of Gratitude and involves a little healthy competition as NDA grades compete for the traveling trophy earned by the class with the largest contribution.

Annual All School Service Project

We come together as an entire school during Catholic Schools Week to collectively serve others in the greater community. We’ve partnered with local nursing homes to deliver hand-painted pots filled with candy and Valentine’s Day messages, written letters to parishioners, and sent letters of gratitude to Sisters thanking them for responding to God’s call to serve. We’ve partnered with Humanity Alliance and ICA to assist people experiencing food insecurity.

Notre Dame Academy