If our world-still one of masks, social distancing, uncertainty continues to feel a bit disjointed, a Wednesday evening served as a refreshing antidote for a group of the NDA community who gathered at the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) center. Some of us may be familiar with this charity, whose mission it is to deliver non-perishable meals (“Manna-packs”) overseas to those areas plagued by hunger and poverty. A particular highlight of the evening was observing the younger children working with their hands as quickly and efficiently as possible, to serve others through this meal-assembly process.
As modernity beckons us to turn inward, the evening with FMSC offered a redirection outward, allowing us to partake in something bigger both geographically—sending crates of food to distant continents—and spiritually—reminding us of the Christian call to service. Within the course of the evening, the teams packaged 22,032 meals, or enough food to feed 60 children for one year. The event ended with a prayer for safe travel over the food, a powerful reminder of the foundation of our work.
So we encourage all members of the NDA community to look for future nights of volunteerism at FMSC, as it is an excellent way to bond as a family and community, and to live out the NDA mission.
Matt Johnson, NDA Dad