Drop Off and Pick Up
Navigating Arrival and Dismissal
Whether your child takes the bus, is in preschool or K-8 we have outlined procedures for morning drop off and afternoon pick up by age and last name. Please review the procedures to ensure a smooth, safe, and efficient drop off and pick up.
Morning Drop Off – starting at 8:40 a.m.
Preschool Families
Please park in the back playground lot and walk your student to their classroom using the ramp door. If you also have a K-8 sibling, please walk your K-8 students to the playground ramp door where a staff person will greet your K-8 student where they can then proceed to their classroom independently.
K-8 Families
Please enter the IHM church lot from Mayview Road via the second (south) entrance. Form a line heading toward the church and snake around to the main school office door to drop off your student. This will give us more space for the line while keeping cars off of Excelsior and Mayview. Our front school doors will have a staff person to greet students from 8:40 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Anyone arriving late will need to park in the visitor spots and enter through the front office door to sign your student in.
Afternoon Pick Up – starting at 3:55 p.m.
We will use the front main entrance for students riding the bus. Carlines will form at the parish/church doors and the back playground door. For pick up please make sure your name card is placed on your dashboard for easier recognition and speed of pick up.
Preschool Families
Please park in the playground parking lot and walk to the cafeteria door to greet your student at 3:45 p.m. You may carefully exit the parking lot or wait in the car for your K-8 siblings. They will come out with the rest of the carline after the 3:55 p.m. bell.
Families with the last names A-H
Please line up in the playground parking lot. The line will form to your left as you enter the parking area. Only preschool families who need to park should exit their cars.