Join us in Prayer
Support our efforts to pass the tradition of faith onto our students.
Notre Dame Academy Prayer
Written by Father John Bauer
Loving Father,
You sent your angel Gabriel to Our Lady
to announce to her that she is full of Grace.
He then said that God the Holy Spirit would surround her,
and your Son would become present in her.
We ask that you send your Holy Spirit upon Notre Dame Academy.
Let us be full of grace, filled with You and the radiant truth, beauty, and goodness of your love.
Let your Son be ever present in our school and in each one of us.
May He be known and experienced by all we say and do.
May He be the rock that our foundation is built upon.
We also ask that you allow
all of the Notre Dame Academy families, students, staff, teachers, alumni, and benefactors remain in Mary’s Immaculate Heart,
so that we become more of who we already are,
your beloved daughters and sons,
deeply united to your Son, Jesus,
who is Christ our Lord.
School Mass
School Mass is held on Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, and on Holy Days of Obligation. We also attend Mass at St. Gabriel’s Catholic Community twice during the academic year.
Students play an integral part in the Mass and participate as greeters, readers, musicians, and servers. Each week this is led by a different grade/class or group providing all students an opportunity to serve.
Parents, grandparents, and friends of all faiths are welcome and encouraged to attend and celebrate with us. If you are unable to attend in person, you may also watch Mass via IHM’s live stream.
A Mass schedule including the grade hosting Mass and dates of St. Gabriel’s Masses is available on our school calendar.
Mass assignments do occasionally change, therefore we encourage you to subscribe to our calendar for automatic updates or check in with your student.
Adoration provides a special gift for us to sit quietly in the Lord’s presence and be filled with His love. Students learn about this quiet prayer time and attend adoration occasionally throughout the school year.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed every Thursday at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church and daily at St. Gabriel the Archangel. We are grateful for the dedicated parishioners praying for our school community. We encourage you to stop in and pray for the intention of Notre Dame Academy.

Visit our Faith and Service Page to learn more about prayer life for our students. If you have a specific prayer request, please reach out to your respective parish.
“It’s like my daughter has twenty moms, and we’re all helping one another raise our kids. The whole place is one big giant family.”
-Current NDA Parent